
czrr description

The Adult Education Institution Dante is a modern and efficient institution that has been carrying out adult education programmes in Rijeka, Croatia, for over 30 years.
Dante attracts numerous generations of adult learners by offering quality educational formal and non-formal programmes and courses (focusing on foreign language learning, vocational programmes, intercultural communication, basic skills, teaching methods and approaches, transferable skills, and entrepreneurship) that respond to the needs of modern society and contribute to the development of adult education at the local, regional, and European level.
Dante’s career centre offers career counselling services to people who are at key milestones in their educational or career path.
The Institution closely cooperates with state institutions – the Ministry of Science and Education, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, and the Croatian Agency for Mobility and European Projects.
In addition to national cooperation, Dante has considerable experience in international cooperation and partnerships, having participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, CERV, and the European Social Fund.
Dante attracts numerous generations of adult learners by offering quality educational formal and non-formal programmes and courses (focusing on foreign language learning, vocational programmes, intercultural communication, basic skills, teaching methods and approaches, transferable skills, and entrepreneurship) that respond to the needs of modern society and contribute to the development of adult education at the local, regional, and European level.
Dante’s career centre offers career counselling services to people who are at key milestones in their educational or career path.
The Institution closely cooperates with state institutions – the Ministry of Science and Education, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, and the Croatian Agency for Mobility and European Projects.
In addition to national cooperation, Dante has considerable experience in international cooperation and partnerships, having participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, CERV, and the European Social Fund.

DMZ is a creative collective established in July 2019, specialising in delivering a wide range of digital media services to local businesses, communities and lifelong learners. Based in Virginia, Ireland, our team of young professionals brings expertise in graphic design, animation, e-learning, instructional design, video and media production to support learning and professional development. We design and deliver immersive, motivating learning experiences by integrating interactive features, instructional games, simulations and video scenarios. Through the use of video, graphics, gamification, storytelling, interaction and assessment, we aim to inspire learners of all ages and stages. Our mission is to provide creative and impactful solutions that enhance learning in the workplace, classroom, and across the wider community – fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

The e-Nable Greece is a proactive team believing in turning limitations into uniqueness. Inspired by and collaborating with the global e-Nable community, it expands its interests and efforts to benefit a wider audience. It’s a voluntary organization with a vision to combat social exclusion among individuals with disabilities and those lacking resources, education, and opportunities. Their approach involves leveraging new technologies like 3D Printing to design and create assistive devices.

Our work is encompassed in four key themes: Rights, Livelyhoods, digital accessibility, wellbeing. Our programs, devised in partnership with our local partners, cross fertilise these themes- making them unique, different and importantly – Deaf led! We’re about ensuring that D/deaf people are able to self-determine and self advocate; accessing support in the communication choice. We want D/deaf people to develop skills for work and to ensure sustainable employment and livelihood opportunities. We also want to address the challenge of mental health and deafness; we’ll work with leading mental health practitioners to ensure Deaf are able to access quality person centred support.