This project aims aims to provide quality education to People with Intellectual Disabilities and ensure their inclusion. Soft skills are important skills life skills for all, but essential for People with Intellectual Disabilities as they have the potential to improve their physical and mental health, live more
independently, assimilate into or fully participate in the community, seek employment, build stronger and more meaningful relationships, and finally, enhance their overall well-being.
Target Groups
People with intellectual disabilities (PwID) between 18 – 65 years of age, e.g. adults who have limitations in intellectual functioning, communication, social skills as well as limitations in adaptive behaviors in everyday social and practical situations. These disabilities can vary from mild and moderate to severe disabilities and as such, their educational needs depend on their individual needs, abilities, interests, and educational programs and resources available in their community. After finishing compulsory education, people with intellectual disabilities have reduced opportunities for education and training to improve their skills, have work opportunities, and satisfy basic human needs. This project will focus on high functional individuals, i.e. PwID with mild intellectual disabilities to help them strengthen their soft skills, increase their qualityof life, and increase their employability. Overall, the project will engage 75 PwID in soft skills training, 10 PwID in aninternational training event, and 125 adults and stakeholders through MEs.
Educators working in adult education organizations and within various formal and non-formal educational programs -disability support workers, educators, and volunteers – that provide support to adults with intellectual disabilities to maximize their potential. Overall, the project will engage at least 25 educators supporting them in their work with PwID and teaching soft skills to PwID.
Stakeholders, policymakers, adult
education institutions, and the general
will be engaged through the project’s promotional activities and,
primarily through WP4.
"The art of communication is the language of leadership”